When to Use Lethal Force | Three Crucial Elements
You can legally defend yourself with a gun if the situation includes these 3 elements While specific laws vary, it is generally accepted in every state in the U.S. that you have a right to defend yourself with lethal force. Whether you exercise this right legally is...
Home Invasion & Self Defense April 2023
Your first responsibility is to protect you and your family; Second Call Defense first responsibility is to protect and defend you during the legal aftermath sure to follow. You deserve the best legal protection for armed self-defense! Remember, after calling 911,...
3 Home Invasion Stories in the News – March 2023
Your first responsibility is to protect you and your family; Second Call Defense first responsibility is to protect and defend you during the legal aftermath sure to follow. You deserve the best legal protection for armed self-defense! Remember, after calling 911,...
Oklahoma Legislators redefining Self-Defense
Oklahoma legislators are discussing a change to the state’s gun laws that would redefine what constitutes as self-defense. Oklahoma lawmakers are currently in discussions to amend the state’s gun laws, with a proposed bill that would redefine the criteria...