Recommended Types of Ammo to Minimize Drywall Penetration
Tens of millions of Americans own a firearm for home defense. That sense of security comes with a high level of responsibility. In the event of a situation that warrants the use of a firearm, every shot matters—not only to stop the threat but for ensuring the safety...
The Number of New Gun Owners Since 2020 Equals the Population of Florida
If you had any doubts about whether new gun ownership is waning in the United States, the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) reported that since the 2020 election, 22.3 million Americans decided to purchase a firearm for the first time. That is a staggering...
12 Self Defense Scenarios and Why You Need CCW Insurance
We live in a dangerous world. That statement is not intended to create fear or intimidation, but observant people know that it is a simple reality. Dangerous situations can arise at nearly anytime and anywhere. Firearms are often coined as the “great equalizer”...
Analysis of a True Self-Defense Story | Team Tactics in a Dark Garage
By Rob Morse, March, 2024 I’ve studied thousands of ordinary citizens who defended themselves. Some of those events are common. Some are extraordinary. In this news story from Española, New Mexico, it is hard to tell if the defenders were lucky or if they were good....