Protecting School Children
Protecting School Children from Mass Murderers by Drew Beatty Part 2 of 2 In part one, we reviewed the phenomena of school shootings, or spree killers. We covered some of the history of this phenomenon and also looked at the evolution of responses to it. Given what we...
Upfront Attorney Fees
Know The Facts About Self Defense Insurance and Upfront Attorney Fees by Sean Maloney We have been getting a lot of questions about the difference between Second Call Defense and the new NRA Carry Guard insurance. As an Attorney who defends clients arrested for...
Murderers in Schools
Murderers Running Amok in Schools by Drew Beatty Part 1 of 2 The horror known as the mass shooting (or spree killer, school shooter, or a whole host of other names) has unfortunately become a part of our modern culture. Malls, movie theaters, churches, and in...
Carry Gun Upgrades
Carry Gun Upgrades by Keith Coniglio No firearm you own could benefit more from improved accuracy and fit than the one with which you may defend your life, yet many shooters are hesitant to make modifications out of fear that the process is somehow beyond their...