Handling 911 Call
Handling the 911 Call by Drew Beatty It’s happened. You’ve had to defend yourself from a violent attack. You could not avoid it. You’ve either presented your firearm or actually fired it to stop the unavoidable threat to your life or the lives of...
Imaginary Dangers
The Real and Imaginary Dangers of Firearms Training by Rob Morse The most dangerous thing about guns is…. … I could accidently wound my pride. … I need a new gun before I can take a class. … I could make a mistake in a self-defense class. … I...
Ammunition Capacity
Do you have enough ammo to stop the threat? by Drew Beatty A gun is used to preserve your life in the face of a violent encounter. If you are forced to use your firearm, you are likely in a fight for your life or the life of someone relying on your protection. You are...
Defensive Ammunition
How to Choose Your Defensive Ammunition by Keith Coniglio Even the most cursory review of gun-related websites will illustrate how much research and effort concealed carriers put into their selection of firearms, holsters, and belts. “The best” might not...