CCW While Hunting
Carrying Concealed While Hunting by Trent Marsh It’s dark. You’re alone. You hear a noise to your left, not far away. It sounded like a footstep. Are you in some dark alley, or a vacant parking lot behind the mall? No. You’re on your way to your tree...
2A Exceptionalism
Second Amendment Exceptionalism by Drew Beatty In America around dinner tables, hunting cabins and on blogs like this one, we talk about firearms. If you are anything like me — and you probably are if you’re reading articles on this site — firearms, ammunition,...
Defensive Choices
A Second Look at Defensive Choices by Keith Coniglio In the not too distant past, “The Mugger” was the concealed carrier’s threat model — the boogeyman we had in mind as we honed our shooting skills and researched the best defensive handgun. We...
Judging Gun Owners
Judging Gun Owners by Keith Coniglio As I opined in an earlier piece, there is no such thing as “the gun owner.” We’re a varied lot with differing opinions, motivations, and attitudes towards guns and our Second Amendment. But we have one unifying...