Retired & Carrying a Firearm Under LEOSA
by Sean Maloney, Attorney at Law, Second Call Defense Now that you are retired, or preparing to retire, there are a number of changes you should be aware of concerning carrying a firearm under the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act (LEOSA). For example, because of...
The Probability of Long Shots: The Dicken Drill
Massad Ayoob talks about Elisjsha Dicken, the Dicken Drill, and the probability of long shots. In July of 2022, a seemingly ordinary day at a mall in Greenwood, Indiana, turned into a life-threatening event/nightmare when a lunatic opened fire with an AR-15 rifle....
Dealing with the Aftermath of Using Self-Defense Firearms
In this extended video, Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, author of On Killing, addresses the question of how to prepare for the ramifications of taking action to defend yourself and your community. His advice? Feel good about it. Feel good that you saved your life and others’...
Cold Weather Concealed Carry (CCW) Tips
We come across this situation a lot … what to wear during winter … Time to get your furnace ready for the winter months, so to is it time to get yourself ready for winter concealed carry. The layers, the gloves, the heavy winter jacket, your concealed...