Holiday Travel with a Firearm | Tips for the Road
5 Simple Holiday Travel Safety Tips by Sean Maloney As you travel over the holidays, don’t forget that criminals don’t take a holiday. In fact, they view the holiday season as their busy time of year. With your mind on so many tasks, and the feeling of joy...
The Difference Between Self-Defense Insurance and Self-Defense Legal Protection
Self-defense Insurance: What is it and why you need it You’ve made the decision to carry a weapon for self-defense, a choice that comes with both responsibilities and risks. While the decision to protect yourself and your loved ones is a noble one, you may not...Why Brandishing is a Bad Idea… and Warning Shots…
Why brandishing, shooting to wound, and warning shots are BAD ideas For every bit of good advice out there about self defense, there are at least 10 pieces of bad advice. Some of the very worst advice is about how to avoid the legal fallout of self defense by using a...
What is Constitutional Carry?
“Constitutional carry” is used within the gun community to mean no permit is required to legally carry a concealed firearm inside a given state, because the U.S. Constitution says Americans have the right to keep and bear arms. Pitfalls of Constitutional Carry In some...