Answers to Legal Questions on Concealed Carry In Cars, Parks, Backyard Ranges, and More
Can you carry a concealed handgun with a threaded barrel? Do you concealed carry in cars? Do you have to obey no-gun signs in public parks? Is it legal to set up a backyard shooting range in Ohio? Firearms attorney and co-founder of Second Call Defense Sean Maloney...
Brandishing a Weapon – Legal, Social and Personal Implications
When people envision a self-defense incident involving a firearm, they typically think of shots fired. You might be surprised that the majority of incidents of defensive gun use never result in the discharge of a firearm. In a comprehensive survey of 54,000 adults,...
Tips for Calling 911 After a Self-defense Incident
Calling 911 for help is a high-stakes event and how you handle it can make the difference between being charged with a crime or facing the expense and emotional trauma of a civil suit. Calling 911 when in trouble is a natural response, we are all trained to do it in...
Do I Need a CCW Permit to Buy CCW Insurance?
Concealed carry weapons (CCW) permits have become a hot topic in recent years, as more and more Americans exercise their Second Amendment rights to carry firearms for self-defense. Alongside this trend, the market for CCW insurance has also grown, offering gun owners...