Your first responsibility is to protect you and your family; Second Call Defense first responsibility is to protect and defend you during the legal aftermath sure to follow. You deserve the best legal protection for armed self-defense! Remember, after calling 911, your Second Call should be to Second Call Defense for the most comprehensive criminal, and civil legal protection for armed self-defense available anywhere!


City of San Jose's Gun Harm Reduction Ordinance

The City of San Jose’s Gun Harm Reduction Ordinance requires gun owners obtain and maintain Liability Insurance and pay an Annual Gun Harm Reduction Fee to pay an annual fee and have liability insurance. The ordinance was approved by the San Jose City Council in January 2022, despite opposition from gun owners who argue that the law infringes on their Second Amendment rights. A federal judge has refused to block the ordinance.

The ordinance has faced criticism from opponents who argue that it unfairly targets law-abiding gun owners and does little to address the root causes of gun violence.

Does Second Call Defenses’ Plan cover the requirements of the City of San Jose?

We are instructing Members and Non-Members of San Jose to print our the Second Call Defense Policy and present it to the City Manager for approval.

San Jose Police Department Insurance Letter Gun Harm Reduction Ordinance