A Self-Defense Story: Deadly Encounter at the Pizzeria
This is a first-hand account of a self-defense incident experienced by a Second Call Defense member. The names have been changed to preserve anonymity. It was closing time at the pizzeria. At 11:00 PM, things had finally slowed down on a busy Sunday evening, made even...
The Laws of Brandishing, Shooting to Wound, and Warning Shots
If you watch TV and movies, you might think that it’s a good idea to brandish a weapon to back someone off, or shoot someone in the arm or leg, or maybe fire a warning shot. But many legal experts advise that these actions can get you into serious legal trouble. Learn...
Gun Safety for Children: Rules and Responsibilities
Law Enforcement Officer Kerry Tanner is on the range shooting with his young daughter Cassidy and talking about gun safety for children. As an LEO, Kerry has seen many accidents where children who didn’t know how to handle firearms got a hold of them, with tragic...
VIDEO: Police Release Video of Assault During Rocky Hill, CT Attempted Car Theft
Your first responsibility is to protect you and your family; Second Call Defense first responsibility is to protect and defend you during the legal aftermath sure to follow. You deserve the best legal protection for armed self-defense! Remember, after calling 911,...