Misconceptions About Absorbing Firearm Recoil
Some shooters, especially those new to defensive shooting, mistakenly think that they should try to absorb firearm recoil because it will make them faster or better shooters. The truth is that absorbing firearm recoil is reckless and dangerous when shooting a...
Armed Defense is always a Matter of Time
by Rob Morse of Slow Facts I know that you’re way smarter than this, but I keep hearing new gun owners get bad advice. We hear it everywhere, from the news to the lunch counter. I’m not criticizing either party because I suspect they are simply repeating something...
What Is Printing with a Firearm and How Can You Avoid It?
An inevitable part of concealed carry is printing and learning how to avoid it. The result of gear and clothes that just aren’t working together, printing can ruin any concealed carrier’s day; but with a few tips and tricks, concealed carriers can escape the printing...
What we can learn from Second Call Defense Member Incidents
Written by Second Call Defense Attorney Sean Maloney This year has been a dangerous time for all of us. From civil unrest, cancel culture attacking law enforcement, a sharp increase in violent crime throughout the United States, a 25% increase in homicides year over...