High Compressed Ready Position
Many handgun ready positions exist. Rob Pincus strongly prefers the high compressed ready position. The gun is held in front of the chest above the area the gun moves to when it comes up out of the holster. The gun is also close to the chest, and the shooter’s elbows...
How Hard is Real Armed Defense?
by Rob Morse – SlowFacts Everyone has an opinion. If you ask them, most people will give you their impression of armed defense. Is it trivially easy or is it impossibly hard? After studying self-defense for most of a decade, I’m beginning to understand what I...
Knife Defense Drill Training: Clear, Control, Counter
We can’t always count on having the time and distance needed to deploy our knives before we actually need to defend ourselves. A good way to approach knife defense when you don’t have your knife out is by using the three Cs: clear, control and counter. In this...
Retired & Carrying a Firearm Under LEOSA
by Sean Maloney, Attorney at Law, Second Call Defense Now that you are retired, or preparing to retire, there are a number of changes you should be aware of concerning carrying a firearm under the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act (LEOSA). For example, because of...