What’s Better for Home-Defense: Rifle or Handgun?
Should you use a rifle or handgun for home-defense? PDN Contributor and Owner of Bearco Training in Covington, Louisiana, Barret Kendrick explains why it’s best to keep, train and practice with both a handgun and a rifle or shotgun. Rifle for Home Defense Barret is...
6th Circuit Court of Appeals Rules Against ATF’s Bump Stock Ruling
Your first responsibility is to protect you and your family; Second Call Defense first responsibility is to protect and defend you during the legal aftermath sure to follow. You deserve the best legal protection for armed self-defense! Remember, after calling 911,...
Cold Weather Concealed Carry (CCW) Tips
We come across this situation a lot … what to wear during winter … Time to get your furnace ready for the winter months, so to is it time to get yourself ready for winter concealed carry. The layers, the gloves, the heavy winter jacket, your concealed...
How to Zero Your Red Dot Sight for Home-Defense Distances
If you have a rifle set up and intended for home-defense, how should you zero the red dot sight for home-defense distances? Rob Pincus has an Aimpoint Comp ML3 mounted on his rifle. It has a 2 MOA (minute of angle) red dot, meaning it’s a fairly small dot. It will be...