The Benefits of Frangible Ammunition: Safety, Efficiency, and Practical Applications
We who have chosen to defend ourselves with firearms generally know more about “gun stuff” than those not in the community of lawful gun owners. A lesser-known topic, even among those “in the know” is the role of frangible ammunition. It is not widely available in...
Semiautomatics for Self-Defense
Semiautomatic firearms are popular choices for self-defense in the U.S, due to their reliability, ease of use, and wide range of calibers and long gun and handgun options. Self-defense situations demand speed and reliability, qualities that semi-automatic firearms...
Budget Guide for Gun Owners: A Must Have Item that Most Owners are Missing
Gun ownership is an investment of both time and money. Like any investment, it’s wise to protect it to ensure you can realize a return on it. Diversification is an effective way to reduce the risk of your investment portfolio, and we can apply the same concept to your...
Recommended Types of Ammo to Minimize Drywall Penetration
Tens of millions of Americans own a firearm for home defense. That sense of security comes with a high level of responsibility. In the event of a situation that warrants the use of a firearm, every shot matters—not only to stop the threat but for ensuring the safety...