Home Invasion & Self Defense April 2023
Your first responsibility is to protect you and your family; Second Call Defense first responsibility is to protect and defend you during the legal aftermath sure to follow. You deserve the best legal protection for armed self-defense! Remember, after calling 911,...
Kyle Rittenhouse Hit with Lawsuit From Man He Shot During 2020 Riots
by Sean Maloney – Attorney This is why you need SCD even two years after you were acquitted you can still face financial ruin. Kyle Rittenhouse Hit With Lawsuit From Man He Shot During 2020 Riots I am sure Kyle Rittenhouse breathed a sigh of relief; we all saw...
High Compressed Ready Position
Many handgun ready positions exist. Rob Pincus strongly prefers the high compressed ready position. The gun is held in front of the chest above the area the gun moves to when it comes up out of the holster. The gun is also close to the chest, and the shooter’s elbows...