Know the Law

Know the Law

Know the Law: Traveling While Carrying Concealed by Drew Beatty Concealed carry laws vary by state and if you travel between states, it’s important to know those variations so that you don’t violate the law. Penalties also vary by state, including landing...
CCW Redundancy

CCW Redundancy

Two is one. One is None. by Drew Beatty How much redundancy is enough for concealed carriers? “Two is one, one is none, and three is for me!” This old Navy Seal saying is often repeated in the military community, the preparedness community, and other...

Mainstream Gun Owners

Gun Owners Are Mainstream, Not Extreme by Drew Beatty To listen to the nightly news, you might think that gun owners are the bad guys, as the media tells only stories of criminals and mass-murderers. The media point to the horrible tragedies of Newtown, Columbine, and...

Voodoo Gun Owners

Voodoo Gun Owners and Superstitious Self-Defense by Rob Morse We make two large mistakes about self-defense. Some of us think guns are good, and some of us think guns are bad. Both viewpoints, as I’ll describe them here, are wrong. There is no place for...