Low Light Upgrades

Low Light Upgrades

Out of the Dark Ages: Low-Light/No-Light Upgrades for Your Defensive Pistol by Keith Coniglio The importance of identifying potential threats and engaging them accurately doesn’t fade when the sun goes down. Just a few simple additions to your defensive pistol can...
Caliber Shamer

Caliber Shamer

Don’t Be A Caliber Shamer by Trent Marsh You’ve met them. You might be one of them. The “caliber shamers” are not only unproductive, but they can unknowingly promote dangerous behavior. Ruark famously said, “use enough gun,”...
Bad Training Habits

Bad Training Habits

Bad Training Habits at the Range by Drew Beatty Even if you are spending enough time at the range, are you inadvertently reinforcing bad habits? What you do on the range repeatedly will become a habit, even if it’s a bad habit. If you consistently drill a...
Concealed Means Concealed

Concealed Means Concealed

Concealed Means Concealed by Drew Beatty Concealed carry is not a hobby or some casual pastime; it’s a lifestyle choice. Because of that, many of the decisions you make revolve around this lifestyle choice. If you decide to carry a concealed handgun, it is...