Dry Fire Drills

Dry Fire Drills

Enhance Your Pistol Skills with 3 Dry Fire Practice Drills by Drew Beatty Dry fire practice — the practice of firing a firearm without ammunition — is an essential part of your handgun shooting skill development. Most modern pistols can be dry fired thousands of times...
Self Defense Class

Self Defense Class

The First Steps are the Biggest: Your First Self-Defense Class by Rob Morse You signed up for your first self-defense class. It is easy to get overwhelmed by all the new ideas. Here is a review of what you’ll learn, and what you’ll need to unlearn. Safety...
Off-Body Carry

Off-Body Carry

3 Challenges of Off-Body Concealed Carry by Trent Marsh The most difficult decision most people face once they decide to start carrying, is how they are going to do so. Inside-the-waist, outside-the-waist, appendix, back, every carrying style has advantages and...
Expect the Unexpected

Expect the Unexpected

When You Least Expect It by Drew Beatty October 31st, 2015 started like many other Saturdays for me. I was scheduled to meet some friends in a field outside town to train our Labrador Retrievers for hunting. I had loaded up the dogs and was heading out to meet them....
Concealed Carry 101

Concealed Carry 101

Concealed Carry 101 by Richard Turnquist Before I was a concealed carry permit holder, I used to wonder what it took to be able to legally carry a concealed firearm — it can seem daunting to someone just starting out. Here are a few things to think about as you go on...