Awards season is upon us: Golden Globes, Oscars, and more. Hollywood makes some great movies and TV shows. But they don’t always get the details right, especially when it comes to guns. Bad guys fly backwards across the room when they’re shot. Guns never seem to run out of ammo. And fingers are on triggers all the time.
Dean Rieck, Executive Director of Buckeye Firearms Association, and Defense Attorney and co-founder of Second Call Defense, Sean Maloney, continue their discussion about stuff Hollywood gets wrong on guns to help you handle guns properly, avoid accidents, and stay out of legal trouble.
Second Call Defense provides immediate up-front self-defense legal protection with nothing out of pocket, nothing to repay ever. The most comprehensive Self-Defense Protection available. You are not alone!
The podcast about Hollywood mistakes was very well done. They did slip up once around the 10 minute mark by saying the “round” would go through a car door. A round is a complete cartridge made of a case, primer, powder, and bullet. Only the bullet goes out the barrel. The more people that use this term incorrectly, it starts to sound normal.
Keep up giving good information and lessons.