We  Defend Your Livelihood While You Defend Your Life

Immediate up-front self-defense legal protection (CCW Insurance*) with nothing out of pocket, nothing to repay ever.

After calling 911, your second call should be to Second Call Defense for the most comprehensive self-defense legal protection for armed self-defense available anywhere. Second Call Defense was created to defend against both criminal and civil legal threats that may arise simply as the result of exercising your right to self-defense.

We Have Never Lost a Case and Have Never Clawed Money Back

You Are Not Alone

We defend those who defend themselves, family and loved ones. We have decades of experience defending self-defense cases, and protecting our members against both criminal and civil attacks.

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Legal & Financial Protection for Those Who Use Force in Self Defense

The ONLY self defense plan in the world that gives you our 4 comprehensive levels of protection.

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Good in All States across United States*

The plan that follows you everywhere with immediate legal protection available 24/7/365.

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Unlimited Civil Suit Defense Protection

Powerful unlimited protection to help you defend against devastating and expensive civil lawsuits.

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Get Started Now - Join!

Pick a plan.…or you can call now to get Protected! 1-877-502-3300

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Exclusive Training Material

Legal seminars, Self-Defense Training Videos and other Content to help prepare you for a Self-Defense situation.

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New Monthly Content

Up to date firearms News, Legal Information, Changing Laws Self-Defense Training, Video Interviews, Podcast and more.

Self-Defense Legal Protection*: How It Works

When you are in fear of death or serious bodily injury and use force in self-defense, your first call should be to 911, to summon help. Your second call should be to Second Call Defense for immediate real time assistance from your SCD Attorney, available 24/7 when you need help most. 


Our attorneys will provide you with the legal information necessary to effectively respond to Law Enforcement questions or simply takeover and do the talking for you.

  • In the event you are arrested, SCD will provide bail immediately and contact a Bail Bondsman on your behalf to provide the funds necessary to secure your release from jail as quickly as legally possible.
  • Provide you with the best available defense attorneys who practice in the jurisdiction where the act of self-defense took place. SCD will locate attorneys and provide you with immediate cash for your attorney retainer and ongoing financial support to pay for ongoing attorney’s fees; expert witness fees and all of the other costs related to your legal defense.

SCD will also contact your family members and notify them pertaining to what has occurred; if necessary SCD will provide you with psychological support from the Doctor of your choice to guide you through the difficult times; SCD will provide biological cleanup and repair any damages caused to your home which suddenly became a crime scene.

SCD and its rapid response team will assist your legal team, if asked, to locate and retain expert witnesses,  on your behalf, assist in locating witnesses to the event and act as a liaison between you, your attorneys, and assist in any manner practical as directed by your legal team.

* Membership not available to residents of NJ, NY, and WA. Membership and coverage not available outside of the United States or in US Territories.
* Actual Benefit Reflects 10% of the $1,000,000 face amount of the bond.

See our complete Membership Commitment Package

First Month Free Promotions:
How it works; once a new member signs up and their CC is accepted. The Ins. Co. charges their card for the appropriate fee, and then we are notified that we have a new member. We then send out their membership card etc. along with a check for the amount they signed up for.

Member Testimonials

Thousands of Americans like you trust Second Call Defense to have their back when it counts the most!

Thanks for the peace of mind

After searching around at other legal plans, I landed on Second Call Defense because it is the most comprehensive and assuring membership I could locate. Last weekend, I faced a situation that involved me having to brandish my weapon and the first thought I had was “Where is my Second Call Defense card???” I felt extremely confident knowing it was in my pocket, right next to my CCW permit. Nothing came of the situation … thankfully, but I was at ease knowing you all would literally be my “second call.” Thanks for the peace of mind!

Alex April

The plan I chose for myself suited me perfectly

I can’t believe how much better I feel since signing up with Second Call Defense. I had always worried about confrontation and the possible repercussions. The plan I chose for myself suited me perfectly and would protect me both financially and legally. I have referred my family and friends to Second Call Defense and know that at least two of them have joined up.

Benjamin Carpenter

I had to protect my family and I against any liability that might arise from a self defense

After I obtained my CCW, it was made apparent that I not only had to protect myself physically against violence but I had to protect my family and I against any liability that might arise from a self defense altercation. After I talked to one of the Second Call Defense managers, signing up was a no-brainer. This coverage relieves a lot of pressure that responsible citizens may come up against.

Ken Nelson
New Mexico

I didn’t have to lift a finger, other than that second call…

While mowing grass one Sunday morning, the neighborhood dope dealer started a confrontation with me about the noise. He saw my firearm hanging on a fence post and called the cops, saying I had ‘pulled’ a gun on him. It was all a complete lie, but a young officer showed up, arrested me, and threw me in jail. I contacted Second Call Defense, they found a nearby lawyer, and within hours I was out of jail with all charges dismissed. And I even got my gun back. I couldn’t have asked for a better lawyer. Everyone was courteous and friendly and right on top of everything. I didn’t have to lift a finger, they took care of me and had my back when I needed it!

Bob P.

To risk your entire future and the future of your loved ones … well … it’s a no-brainer.

As a former law enforcement officer I have always supported the right of the citizen to carry concealed. With a concealed carry permit come many great responsibilities. One of which is the responsibility to both yourself and your family and that is of liability. Should one ever have to use that weapon one may have to legally defend themselves both criminally and civilly. After much research, Second Call Defense is my choice. The protection and the benefits they provide is and are certainly worth having. To risk your entire future and the future of your loved ones … well … it’s a no-brainer.

Robert Wortmann
North Carolina

Second Call Defense will save everything else that makes life worth living.

Individual police officers have different attitudes toward armed citizens, as does every police department in the country. Then you have the prosecutors in the local district attorney’s office. If any of these offices or individuals are hostile to private firearm ownership, or your right to carry, you are in serious jeopardy. You are an easy target for an official seeking promotion, election, or re-election. Don’t forget the possibility of civil action against you, either. In those circumstances, your first, best protection is Second Call Defense. Legal use of a firearm may save your life. Second Call Defense will save everything else that makes life worth living.

Ross Martinek

SCD allows you to focus solely on surviving a deadly encounter not the financial fears

Becoming a member of Second Call Defense has given my family the peace of mind that we will not be alone if God forbid we are ever forced to use our weapon in a self defense situation. It will allow you to focus solely on surviving a deadly encounter not the financial fears of the legal system.

James Crnich

He didn’t have Second Call Defense then, but he does now

Many people mistakenly believe their Homeowners and Umbrella insurances cover a defense situation, and even my own insurance company gave me the wrong advice on this point. A friend of mine showing, but not firing, a gun to prevent a violent attack had to spend $5,000 in legal fees and much time to avoid drastic penalties. He didn’t have Second Call Defense then, but he does now!

Lloyd Thomas

Getting Second Call Defense is the best option out there

Getting Second Call Defense is the best option out there. Not only do you get top notch service. You get training material & valuable information. Getting this service is easy & affordable. The membership card is a now a part of my EDC.

Jeff Oppenheim

I know that my nephew wishes that he had this protection

I have a nephew that is currently going through a long legal battle over brandishing his weapon. He was being physically threatened and simply pulled his legally carried gun out of his holster and kept it pointed at the ground. The police were called and the other guy lied. Now it’s all up to the courts. I know that my nephew wishes that he had this protection. So for peace of mind my wife and I are very happy to be members of Second Call Defense.

Alton Wilds

I don’t carry a gun without Second Call Defense

I’ve seen people prosecuted because they tried to help the police and made statements under stress that hurt them at trial, or just because they defended themselves in a jurisdiction where the police/prosecutor is hostile toward self-defense rights. Whatever the reason, Second Call is the answer. I don’t leave home without a gun, and I don’t carry a gun without Second Call Defense.

Jim Invine

It is necessary to have good legal representation in any shooting incident. Enough said!

There have been many incidents of home invasion here in Indianapolis, people getting robbed at gunpoint, in grocery stores, bank robberies and car jackings. People will sue you for getting shot in your own home. It is necessary to have good legal representation in any shooting incident. Enough said!

Gary Pratt

I feel much better prepared if anything does happen

I received the packet. My card is my wallet. The emergency number is posted inside our kitchen cabinet. I once had to run an intruder out of my house at gun point. Thank God, I didn’t have to shoot him! I pray that situation never happens again, but I feel much better prepared if it does and I feel better protected legally with your service.

Doug Lewis
Ultimate Member

Now my family and I have to survive the immediate and prolonged legal aftermath

I joined Second Call Defense because I know somebody’s got my 6. I may survive my defensive gun usage but now my family and I have to survive the immediate and prolonged legal aftermath; we can’t go that alone.

Scott Seibert
Airline Pilot

Just Common Sense

Becoming a member of Second Call Defense just makes common sense. As a responsible law abiding citizen, I carry a firearm for self defense. I now have the peace of mind knowing that if I am forced to defend myself or my loved ones with a firearm, I will have the legal and financial resources available.

Angela Armstrong

Glad to be a member

Glad to be a member. We have long thought of this type of protection as we watch the news and those condemned for protecting themselves, but never had an idea that it existed until we started seeing the ads in Rifleman. We live in a remote area … in a private community of about 200 people living on 5 acre parcels. We have cougars, black bears and feral dogs around, plus occasionally some two legged varmints as employment drops and they break into homes and cars. And, the goings on in Ferguson, MO really got our attention!

Herb Renner
Navy Veteran

My homeowner’s policy would not cover any of my legal costs

I was very disappointed to learn that my homeowner’s policy with a major insurance company that we’ve used for almost 20 years would not cover any of my legal costs if I needed to use a firearm to defend my own life or the life of my loved ones within my own home. Second Call Defense gives me the reassurance that I’ll have legal protection should I ever need it.

Jason Mihalick
Ohio Liberty Coalition

You had my back immediately just as you promised.

A man threatened me in my own front yard and, fearing for my life, I drew my pistol. I was able to get inside my home and call 911 without shooting. I was really shaken up and when the police arrived, they acted as if I did something wrong. But I had just joined Second Call Defense and the attorney on the Emergency Legal Hotline helped me calm down and say the right things. The officer went from irritated to friendly and everything turned out okay. Thank you! You had my back immediately just as you promised.

Dan B.

Second Call Defense offered the best range of choices

When considering various options similar to Second Call Defense, I did a lot of reading and comparison and found Second Call Defense offered the best range of choices, was very flexible on changing between plans, and offered the best overall value combined with superior customer service.

John Geniuch

Your life is a terrible thing to waste so don’t leave home w/o “SCD”

When one chooses to possess or carry a firearm, there is always the likelihood that one might have to use it … unfortunately, overzealous prosecutors who may want to score political points may not care that you’ve used your gun in defense of your life or the lives of others, and defense costs can be so prohibitive that jail winds up your only option. Second Call Defense is there to make sure that doesn’t happen. Your life is a terrible thing to waste so don’t leave home w/o it.

Morris Kanowitz

Best plan out there today…

I looked all over and the best plan out there today is Second Call Defense. Members are constantly informed about changing legalities. And you’re covered for potential financial ramifications should you have to use your weapon.

Vincent Hunter, Texas

Knowing someone has my back makes all the difference!

I have carried a firearm to defend my life, and the lives of my loved ones for some time. I always thought having our lives was good enough. As I’ve gained wisdom, I’ve also gained an appreciation for our quality of life. I now strive to preserve both! My firearm will defend our lives. Second Call Defense will help preserve it. Having Second Call Defense has given me the confidence I need to defend my family. Knowing someone has my back makes all the difference!

Aaron Kirkingburg
Dillon Sportsman Center

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*Second Call Defense is not insurance and does not sell or promote insurance products.  Second Call Defense is a membership organization that provides its members access to the “Second Amendment Support Foundation, Inc.,” which provides the means necessary to protect Second Call Defense members from the legal aftermath of exercising their right to self-defense. For an overview of the differences between Second Call Defense Member Benefits and traditional insurance, click here