I have carried a firearm to defend my life, and the lives of my loved ones for some time. I always thought having our lives was good enough. As I’ve gained wisdom, I’ve also gained an appreciation for our quality of life. I now strive to preserve both! My firearm will defend our lives. Second Call Defense will help preserve it. Having Second Call Defense has given me the confidence I need to defend my family. Knowing someone has my back makes all the difference!
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You had my back immediately just as you promised.
A man threatened me in my own front yard and, fearing for my life, I drew my pistol. I was able to get inside my… Read more “You had my back immediately just as you promised.”
Dan B.
Thanks for the peace of mind
After searching around at other legal plans, I landed on Second Call Defense because it is the most comprehensive and assuring membership I could locate.… Read more “Thanks for the peace of mind”
Alex April
Second Call Defense offered the best range of choices
When considering various options similar to Second Call Defense, I did a lot of reading and comparison and found Second Call Defense offered the best… Read more “Second Call Defense offered the best range of choices”
John Geniuch