Visit our membership enrollment page. Then scroll down to see the terms and conditions for the monthly and annual payment plans.
Visit our membership enrollment page. Then scroll down to see the terms and conditions for the monthly and annual payment plans.
While mowing grass one Sunday morning, the neighborhood dope dealer started a confrontation with me about the noise. He saw my firearm hanging on a… Read more “I didn’t have to lift a finger, other than that second call…”
I have carried a firearm to defend my life, and the lives of my loved ones for some time. I always thought having our lives… Read more “Knowing someone has my back makes all the difference!”
Becoming a member of Second Call Defense just makes common sense. As a responsible law abiding citizen, I carry a firearm for self defense. I… Read more “Just Common Sense”
7 Proven Strategies to Survive the Legal Aftermath of Armed Self-defense
• 5 self defense myths that can land you in jail.
• 10 things you should never do after a shooting. #2 can get you in trouble. #4 can get you shot.
• The legal pitfalls of calling 911 and how to avoid them
• Why “remaining silent” can now be used against you in court.
• Surprise! You can be prosecuted TWICE for the same crime.