How “Duty to Retreat” Affects Armed Self-Defense
Do you have a duty to retreat before you use a gun in self-defense? Even if you honestly have a fear of immediate death or serious bodily harm, Stand Your Ground laws are not the same in every state. Failure to understand the legal obligations in your state could have...
The Tragic Self-Defense Story of Harold Fish
Harold Fish was a 57-year-old retired high school teacher in Arizona with a clean record and a license to carry a concealed weapon. While hiking, a man charged him, waving his arms and threatening to kill him. Harold Fish shot the man in self-defense. A jury found him...
When Can You Use Lethal Force for Self-Defense?
Most state laws define the circumstances under which you can legally use lethal force to defend yourself. However, the standards are subjective and you must be able to clearly articulate the reason that you felt you were in danger of death of great physical injury and...
The Psychological Effects of Stress In a Lethal Force Encounter
Being attacked and having your life threatened produces extreme psychological and physical stress. While the chemical changes in your body are intended to help you survive, they also prevent you from speaking and acting rationally immediately following a self-defense...