Cold Weather Concealed Carry (CCW) Tips
We come across this situation a lot … what to wear during winter … Time to get your furnace ready for the winter months, so to is it time to get yourself ready for winter concealed carry. The layers, the gloves, the heavy winter jacket, your concealed...
Self-Defense and Distraction Training
Rob Pincus is on-site in PDN’s simulated realistic environment to talk about a specific personal defense topic: defensive firearms use in public and the distractions you have to deal with in addition to the threat. There is more to think about than a threat trying to...
Concealed Carry Traffic Stop – What to do If you are pulled over while carrying a concealed handgun
Second Call Defense Attorney Sean Maloney discusses some of his legal advice for traveling. Concealed Carry Traffic Stop – Handling a Traffic Stop Concealed Carry during a Traffic Stop – What have you done when you were pulled over by Law Enforcement while...
Reporting a Confrontation Armed with Self-Defense Weapons
Reporting a confrontation armed with self-defense weapons can be a tricky situation. Statistics indicate you are much more likely to use a firearm to deter a lethal threat rather than respond to a threat by firing the gun. In this situation, it is critical that you...