Marksmanship: The Myth of a Good Shooter
In this video, Rob Pincus contrasts simply being a “good shooter” with being prepared to defend yourself with a firearm. This video begins with a demonstration of typical choreographed, mechanical technique resulting in good hits on a target, but not representing the...
When to Use Lethal Force | Three Crucial Elements
You can legally defend yourself with a gun if the situation includes these 3 elements While specific laws vary, it is generally accepted in every state in the U.S. that you have a right to defend yourself with lethal force. Whether you exercise this right legally is...
What is Constitutional Carry?
“Constitutional carry” is used within the gun community to mean no permit is required to legally carry a concealed firearm inside a given state, because the U.S. Constitution says Americans have the right to keep and bear arms. Pitfalls of Constitutional Carry In some...
Gun Safety for Children: Rules and Responsibilities
Law Enforcement Officer Kerry Tanner is on the range shooting with his young daughter Cassidy and talking about gun safety for children. As an LEO, Kerry has seen many accidents where children who didn’t know how to handle firearms got a hold of them, with tragic...