What Does Stand Your Ground Really Mean?
You’ve probably heard the term “Stand Your Ground” as it relates to firearms and self defense. However, states differ in how they interpret this principle in a court of law. As a gun owner, you must understand the elements necessary to legally...
Know the Law
Know the Law: Traveling While Carrying Concealed by Drew Beatty Concealed carry laws vary by state and if you travel between states, it’s important to know those variations so that you don’t violate the law. Penalties also vary by state, including landing...
CCW Redundancy
Two is one. One is None. by Drew Beatty How much redundancy is enough for concealed carriers? “Two is one, one is none, and three is for me!” This old Navy Seal saying is often repeated in the military community, the preparedness community, and other...
How “Duty to Retreat” Affects Armed Self-Defense
Do you have a duty to retreat before you use a gun in self-defense? Even if you honestly have a fear of immediate death or serious bodily harm, Stand Your Ground laws are not the same in every state. Failure to understand the legal obligations in your state could have...