The Myth of Weak-Hand Shooting
Rob Pincus attacks the myth that if you switch to weak-hand shooting you will be safer than if you keep the gun in your strong hand. Rob explains the assorted misconceptions and misunderstandings that go along with the idea of switching hands, and demonstrates why...
More Women and Minorities are Buying Guns
There has been a significant increase in the number of women purchasing firearms, with nearly half of all new U.S. gun buyers since the start of 2019 being women. Preliminary results from the 2021 National Firearms Survey reveal that approximately 3.5 million women in...
What’s Better for Home-Defense: Rifle or Handgun?
Should you use a rifle or handgun for home-defense? PDN Contributor and Owner of Bearco Training in Covington, Louisiana, Barret Kendrick explains why it’s best to keep, train and practice with both a handgun and a rifle or shotgun. Rifle for Home Defense Barret is...
5 Self-Defense Protection Myths that Can Destroy you Financially!
There are many myths about the aftermath of a self defense incident, especially when it comes to insurance, financial consequences, and law. Here are five of the most common misunderstandings that could prove devastating. 1. Homeowners Policies One of the most...