What’s Better for Home-Defense: Rifle or Handgun?
Should you use a rifle or handgun for home-defense? PDN Contributor and Owner of Bearco Training in Covington, Louisiana, Barret Kendrick explains why it’s best to keep, train and practice with both a handgun and a rifle or shotgun. Rifle for Home Defense Barret is...
Marksmanship: The Myth of a Good Shooter
In this video, Rob Pincus contrasts simply being a “good shooter” with being prepared to defend yourself with a firearm. This video begins with a demonstration of typical choreographed, mechanical technique resulting in good hits on a target, but not representing the...
Gun Safety for Children: Rules and Responsibilities
Law Enforcement Officer Kerry Tanner is on the range shooting with his young daughter Cassidy and talking about gun safety for children. As an LEO, Kerry has seen many accidents where children who didn’t know how to handle firearms got a hold of them, with tragic...
High Compressed Ready Position
Many handgun ready positions exist. Rob Pincus strongly prefers the high compressed ready position. The gun is held in front of the chest above the area the gun moves to when it comes up out of the holster. The gun is also close to the chest, and the shooter’s elbows...