Friends and Family Discount: Get Paid to Keep Your Loved Ones Safe
With the holidays upon us now, we’re offering our Friends and Family Discount! If you are currently a Second Call Defense Member, and you get a friend or family to sign up for a Self-Defense Financial and Legal Protection from Second Call Defense , we’ll...
CCW Insurance Buyer’s Guide
CCW Insurance typically refers to “Concealed Carry Weapon Insurance” or “Concealed Carry Insurance.” It is a type of coverage designed for individuals who legally carry concealed firearms for self-defense purposes. Although commonly thought of...
More Women and Minorities are Buying Guns
There has been a significant increase in the number of women purchasing firearms, with nearly half of all new U.S. gun buyers since the start of 2019 being women. Preliminary results from the 2021 National Firearms Survey reveal that approximately 3.5 million women in...
Membership Benefits: Civil Suit Protection
You are protected by funds to defend against civil lawsuits! Many gun owners think that criminal charges are the biggest risk they face in using self defense. And yes, this is a major risk. However if you abide by legal standards for self defense, competent and...