When To Use Lethal Force
You can legally defend yourself with a gun if the situation includes these 3 elements While specific laws vary, it is generally accepted in every state in the U.S. that you have a right to defend yourself with lethal force. Whether you exercise this right legally is...
The Difference Between Self-Defense Insurance and Self-Defense Legal Protection
Self-defense Insurance: What is it and why you need it You’ve made the decision to carry a weapon for self-defense, a choice that comes with both responsibilities and risks. While the decision to protect yourself and your loved ones is a noble one, you may not...
Marksmanship: The Myth of a Good Shooter
In this video, Rob Pincus contrasts simply being a “good shooter” with being prepared to defend yourself with a firearm. This video begins with a demonstration of typical choreographed, mechanical technique resulting in good hits on a target, but not representing the...