About: Bill is a successful entrepreneur with over 35 years experience in business and marketing. He’s a staunch Second Amendment supporter, has been a gun enthusiast and collector for over 50 years. Designation: Operations Manager
About: Bill is a successful entrepreneur with over 35 years experience in business and marketing. He’s a staunch Second Amendment supporter, has been a gun enthusiast and collector for over 50 years. Designation: Operations Manager
While mowing grass one Sunday morning, the neighborhood dope dealer started a confrontation with me about the noise. He saw my firearm hanging on a… Read more “I didn’t have to lift a finger, other than that second call…”
A man threatened me in my own front yard and, fearing for my life, I drew my pistol. I was able to get inside my… Read more “You had my back immediately just as you promised.”
Becoming a member of Second Call Defense just makes common sense. As a responsible law abiding citizen, I carry a firearm for self defense. I… Read more “Just Common Sense”
7 Proven Strategies to Survive the Legal Aftermath of Armed Self-defense
• 5 self defense myths that can land you in jail.
• 10 things you should never do after a shooting. #2 can get you in trouble. #4 can get you shot.
• The legal pitfalls of calling 911 and how to avoid them
• Why “remaining silent” can now be used against you in court.
• Surprise! You can be prosecuted TWICE for the same crime.