Murderers in Schools

Murderers in Schools

Murderers Running Amok in Schools by Drew Beatty Part 1 of 2 The horror known as the mass shooting (or spree killer, school shooter, or a whole host of other names) has unfortunately become a part of our modern culture. Malls, movie theaters, churches, and in...
Carry Gun Upgrades

Carry Gun Upgrades

Carry Gun Upgrades by Keith Coniglio No firearm you own could benefit more from improved accuracy and fit than the one with which you may defend your life, yet many shooters are hesitant to make modifications out of fear that the process is somehow beyond their...
Realistic Training

Realistic Training

Are You Ready for “Realistic” Training? by Rob Morse A variety of courses call themselves “realistic” or reality-based training. To name a few, they could include move-and-shoot scenarios, video-based simulator training, or even force-on-force...
Member Incident Report

Member Incident Report

Special Report Second Call Defense Member Incident by Trent Marsh “I just shot a kid.” Words nobody wants to say. When a 72-year-old man we’ll call “Gary Russell,” left work on his bicycle to go home, I doubt he thought he would be saying those...
CCW While Hunting

CCW While Hunting

Carrying Concealed While Hunting by Trent Marsh It’s dark. You’re alone. You hear a noise to your left, not far away. It sounded like a footstep. Are you in some dark alley, or a vacant parking lot behind the mall? No. You’re on your way to your tree...