Defensive Ammunition

Defensive Ammunition

How to Choose Your Defensive Ammunition by Keith Coniglio Even the most cursory review of gun-related websites will illustrate how much research and effort concealed carriers put into their selection of firearms, holsters, and belts. “The best” might not...
Not Just a Gun

Not Just a Gun

It’s Not “Just a Gun” by Keith Coniglio For most of my life, firearms have simply been inanimate objects to me, tools no more capable of influencing one’s character than a hammer or a microwave. But as calls for limiting citizens’ right...
Citizens Arrest

Citizens Arrest

Should You Attempt a Citizen’s Arrest? by Dean Rieck There is little debate about the right of citizens to protect themselves. However, when a citizen attempts to prevent or stop a crime, the rules of engagement are tricky and may expose you to legal jeopardy....
Protecting School Children

Protecting School Children

Protecting School Children from Mass Murderers by Drew Beatty Part 2 of 2 In part one, we reviewed the phenomena of school shootings, or spree killers. We covered some of the history of this phenomenon and also looked at the evolution of responses to it. Given what we...
Upfront Attorney Fees

Upfront Attorney Fees

Know The Facts About Self Defense Insurance and Upfront Attorney Fees by Sean Maloney We have been getting a lot of questions about the difference between Second Call Defense and the new NRA Carry Guard insurance. As an Attorney who defends clients arrested for...