
Citizens Stop Mass Murder

Armed Citizens Stop Mass Murder- citizens save lives before the police arrive by Rob Morse Guns save lives. You wouldn’t know that from reading your newspapers or watching TV. If you only get your news from the mass media and popular entertainment, then you...

Move to Stay Alive

Handgun Self-Defense: Move to Stay Alive by W.H. “Chip” Gross If you ever become involved in a self-defense situation, it will likely occur suddenly, unexpectedly, and could turn very violent very quickly. And if you feel threatened to the point that you...

Cold Weather Carry

Cold Weather Concealed Carry Tips It’s time to get your furnace ready for the winter months, and also time to get yourself ready for winter concealed carry. That means rethinking how you draw from concealment. On cold winter days, you could be dealing with base...

Firearm Accidents

Do We Want Fewer Firearms Accidents in the USA or More? by Rob Morse I want to make us safer and we might have more firearms accidents than we have today. I put that shocking statement in front of you rather than stand accused of it later. You might think that fewer...

Gun Friendly Doctors

2Adoc.com Connects Patients with Gun-Friendly Providers Patients want to trust their provider to not make mistakes and to not lie to them. Unfortunately, when it comes to guns, medical organizations have not been living up to that expectation. Medical associations...