
Tracking Your Guns

Think Your Guns are Off the Grid? 6-Ways They are Tracking You (AmmoLand.com)- I have had conversations with gun owners from time to time who don’t want to get involved in the gun rights movement. Two reasons stand out from my interaction with them. One is...

10 Aftermath Tips

10 things you should NEVER do after a self defense shooting When it comes to armed self defense, it’s usually not the shooting itself that trips you up legally. More often than not, it’s what you do afterward that gets you in hot water. Here are 10 things...

Self Defense in Emergencies

A History of Self-Defense Shootings in Times of Widespread Emergency by Massad Ayoob Chatter around the cracker barrel or on the Internet indicates many people believe that in times of such disaster, law is somehow suspended just because the cops can’t be there....

Dry Fire Practice

Dry-Fire for Handgun Shooting Success Are the ranges closed near you? Dry fire training is a great way get some trigger time in at home. Champion shooter Doug Koenig reviews the importance and training value of dry practice. Want to improve your shooting? Incorporate...