Holiday Travel with a Firearm | Tips for the Road
5 Simple Holiday Travel Safety Tips by Sean Maloney As you travel over the holidays, don’t forget that criminals don’t take a holiday. In fact, they view the holiday season as their busy time of year. With your mind on so many tasks, and the feeling of joy...
The Advantages of Striker-Fired Pistols – Part 1
In this video, we discuss The Advantages of Striker-Fired Pistols. There are several variations on the defensive handgun, from single-action to double-action, short trigger to long trigger, and hammer vs. modern striker-fired guns. If you want a gun that is easy to...
The Myth of Weak-Hand Shooting
Rob Pincus attacks the myth that if you switch to weak-hand shooting you will be safer than if you keep the gun in your strong hand. Rob explains the assorted misconceptions and misunderstandings that go along with the idea of switching hands, and demonstrates why...