What you don’t know can incarcerate you.

Second Call Defense was created to defend you against criminal and civil legal threats that may arise from simply exercising your right to self-defense.

After you survive a self-defense encounter, your first stop may be the police station.

An ideological or ambitious prosecutor may decide to make an example out of you and press criminal charges. Without qualified legal representation and cash for a bail bond, you run a serious risk of spending one or more nights in jail with real criminals.

Even if you walk out of jail free from criminal charges, your legal issues may not be over. If you seriously wounded or killed your attacker, even in self-defense, the assailant’s family can bring a costly civil suit that could wipe you out financially, leaving your family in poverty.

Most people who carry responsibly don’t fully appreciate the significant risks they are taking on by defending themselves with deadly force.

The moment you use a weapon in self-defense, even in your own home, you’re on your own.

That’s why we created Second Call Defense – the first membership organization in America to offer immediate, comprehensive, nationwide, 24-hour support for anyone forced to defend themselves or their loved ones with a legal weapon.

Why Second Call Defense?

  • Generous, comprehensive coverage with UNLIMITED legal defense plans available.
  • 100% SUCCESS rate defending our members in court.
  • NEVER clawed back money from a member.
  • IMMEDIATE cash for bail bonds and attorney fees.
  • ACCIDENTAL SHOOTING coverage and more.

Need more information? Keep reading…

THE TRUE STORY of a Second Call Defense Member

Yes, it could happen to you.

Dave (not his real name), a Second Call Defense member and pizza delivery driver, was helping his team close the pizzeria on a lazy Sunday night when two masked men burst into the store and made a beeline for him.

As one of the men approached him with a metal pipe in hand, Dave pulled out his carry pistol and fired three shots at the attacker, with two of them hitting his aggressor. The other intruder quickly ran away. The attacker would later die from his wounds.

When law enforcement arrived, they took Dave’s statement, and put him in the back of a police van while they figured out what to do with him. Dave had just defended his life and the lives of his co-workers, yet he was the one being treated as a suspect!

That’s when Dave called the Second Call Defense Emergency Hotline. He was immediately connected with an attorney, who spoke with the officers over Dave’s cell phone. After promising he would show up with Dave at the police station for questioning the next day, he was released and went home.

Without immediate representation from Second Call Defense, Dave would most likely have spent the night in a jail cell with real criminals.

The next day, Dave and his Second Call Defense attorney met with detectives at the police station. Once the facts of the incident were relayed with the  assistance of expert legal counsel from Second Call, prosecutors decided not to bring criminal charges against Dave and he left the police station a free man.

“My attorney from Second Call Defense was an unwavering source of support throughout the ordeal. He guided me from the squad car to the interview room, ensuring I avoided self-incrimination and that my rights were upheld. Also, Second Call Defense assisted me replace my pistol (I’m still delivering pizzas) and got me some psychological counseling. I am forever a loyal Second Call Defense member.”

Although Dave incurred thousands in fees for legal defense, he didn’t have to pay a dime because he was covered by Second Call Defense. Second Call Defense is prepared to pay immediate cash up front for attorneys, bail bonds, and whatever else is needed to provide an effective legal defense with nothing to repay, ever.


We have a 100% success rate defending our members in court.

Plans Start at Just $14.95 a Month

Still not convinced you need Second Call Defense? Keep reading…

But wait, it’s not over yet – Civil Lawsuits

In Dave’s case, once he left the police station, that was the end of it. Joe Balistreri, however, was not so fortunate.

In 2012, Balistreri was awakened to the sound of someone attempting to enter his parent’s house during a family visit to his parent’s home in California. Balistreri, a CCW permit holder, grabbed his pistol and encountered the 6’4” intruder inside the house and fired three shots, severely wounding but not killing the intruder.

Prosecutors declined to press criminal charges against Balistreri, but months later the intruder filed a civil suit against him. The plaintiff claimed he was intoxicated and believed he was walking into his friend’s house, making the case that Balistreri unlawfully shot him. The judge didn’t buy it, and even though Balistreri won, he struggled to pay his legal bills and had to open a GoFundMe account relying on the charity of others to pay off his significant legal fees.

If you own a home, have retirement savings or other assets, you could be risking your livelihood by defending your life or family.


Second Call Defense offers plans with unlimited resources for legal defense against civil lawsuits, which is often enough to deter a sleazy lawyer from taking on a spurious case.

UNLIMITED Resources for Legal Defense Against Civil Lawsuits

Even if you have the financial resources to pay for your own legal defense, are you prepared to survive the aftermath? Keep reading…

The ugly truth about self-defense incidents is that they are almost always unexpected, brutal, and quick. Survivors often suffer from psychological trauma that if left untreated can lead to depression, anxiety, job loss, and broken relationships.

Surviving the physical encounter is one thing, but without counseling and support you may be risking your long-term mental health.

Second Call Defense has experienced counseling resources to help you maintain your psychological and emotional health in the aftermath of surviving a self-defense encounter.

“Reflecting on that fateful night, it all happened in a split second, leaving no time for hesitation. It was nothing like what you see in movies or TV shows. On a side note, Julie and I are now happily married. My heartfelt thanks go to Second Call Defense for their unwavering support in my time of need.”

Get the support you need after experiencing the trauma of a self-defense encounter.

Download our free report on 7 Proven Strategies to Survive the Legal Aftermath.

5 self-defense myths that can land you in jail. Most people believe at least 3 of them.

10 things you should never do after a shooting. #2 can get you in trouble. #4 can get you shot.

The legal pitfalls of calling 911 and how to avoid them – including a little-known fact about the 911 system that may shock you.

Why “remaining silent” can now be used against you in court. Warning: there’s a right way and wrong way to “take the 5th.”

Surprise! You can be prosecuted TWICE for the same crime. The dirty little secret about the legal system that you need to know.