I have carried a firearm to defend my life, and the lives of my loved ones for some time. I always thought having our lives was good enough. As I’ve gained wisdom, I’ve also gained an appreciation for our quality of life. I now strive to preserve both! My firearm will defend our lives. Second Call Defense will help preserve it. Having Second Call Defense has given me the confidence I need to defend my family. Knowing someone has my back makes all the difference!
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The plan I chose for myself suited me perfectly
I can’t believe how much better I feel since signing up with Second Call Defense. I had always worried about confrontation and the possible repercussions.… Read more “The plan I chose for myself suited me perfectly”
Benjamin Carpenter
Your life is a terrible thing to waste so don’t leave home w/o “SCD”
When one chooses to possess or carry a firearm, there is always the likelihood that one might have to use it … unfortunately, overzealous prosecutors… Read more “Your life is a terrible thing to waste so don’t leave home w/o “SCD””
Morris Kanowitz
Getting Second Call Defense is the best option out there
Getting Second Call Defense is the best option out there. Not only do you get top notch service. You get training material & valuable information.… Read more “Getting Second Call Defense is the best option out there”
Jeff Oppenheim